Your go-to source for all things badminton. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, our blog provides valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your skills on the court. From fundamental techniques and training drills to strategic game plans and mental preparation, we cover all aspects of the game. Our articles also delve into fitness and nutrition, ensuring that you stay in optimal physical condition. Stay updated with the latest news, discover inspiring stories, and immerse yourself in the world of badminton with Badminton Gurukul Blogs. Get ready to elevate your game and unleash your true badminton potential!

How to become a Professional Badminton Player in India

They say that the road to success is paved with hard work. That’s especially true when it comes to badminton. With the sport gaining immense popularity in India over the years, many young enthusiasts have been inspired to pursue a career as a professional badminton player. However, learning badminton requires unwavering dedication, immense hard work, and a strategic approach. If...

How to Optimise Your Badminton Training with Fitness and Conditioning

No matter what sport you choose to play, how you train shapes your form. Badminton, a highly demanding sport which involves a lethal combination of speed, agility, and endurance, requires consistent training and conditioning. So, in order to achieve success, you need to start integrating fitness and conditioning into your badminton training routine.  Let’s see how we can optimise your...

7 home exercises to help you smash it on the court

You don’t really need to sweat it at a well-equipped gym for hours in order to be fit for badminton. Badminton fitness training can be done anywhere, even at your own home. First, make sure you stretch before you do any exercise. It might not be the most exciting workout, but it definitely makes a big difference. Improving your flexibility doesn’t just help you avoid injuries, but...

Yes, your kid should be playing Badminton too!

As kids, we’ve all quoted the phrase ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,’ to weasel some playtime from our parents. Hearing the same phrase as parents makes us question the delicate balance of the opportunities that we provide for our children. While parents tend to pull out all the stops when it comes to education, it isn’t the only kind of growth that would...